The mission of this website is to educate the public about using Section 664 and Social Secharity. Social Secharity is a registered trademark of the Endow America Network Foundation, a 501(c)(3) Non Profit Organization.

Drew Formsma and Claudia Beeny on Route 664

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine… It’s not just a song; it’s a message to the soul. On today’s edition of Route 664 The Road to Human Kindness we had the pleasure of interviewing two remarkable ambassadors of human kindness, the first being Drew Formsma, a young man representing generation Z, who wrote a book with his father Brad Formsma, titled Everyday Generosity, and sheds light on his and his family’s perspective on giving and how it has the power to change both your life and those around you. Our second guest was none other than Claudia Beeny, founder of House of Shine, an organization that is dedicated to helping people of all ages and backgrounds discover their own unique abilities and how they can use those abilities for their own good and that of the community. She is also the author of her newest book titled: What’s Your Shine?

Drew Formsma has been called a voice to Generation Z, engaging audiences of thousands since he was 14 years old – he is now 19. “When you give, something changes in your DNA and in who you are. I believe we were all created to live generously in some aspect,” he says. Their organization is simply called, I Like Giving. They teach people seven ways of living generously, namely generosity of thought, words, time, influence, attention, money and belongings. These seven ways show that it doesn’t matter who you are or where you are, you can be generous in some way. Generosity not only has the power of saving the lives of people in need, it might just save your own as well, as helping others can have a powerful psychological effect of increasing positive thinking, tremendously decreasing depression or suicidal thoughts, and leave you feeling better about yourself and with a higher degree of identity in who you are. 

Claudia Beeny asks us all just one question, “What’s Your Shine?” In a way, it also helps us figure out who we are. Claudia is the founder and CEO of House of Shine. With over 30 years of experience working in education, she believes she is living her own purpose as she helps others ignite their own energy and passion. House of Shine is a nonprofit organization designed to help individuals hone their talents and unique abilities, using them to better their own lives and the lives of the greater community. They provide a curriculum for grades K-12, as well as workshops and helpful resources for people of any age and background. 

It’s exactly the kind of thing we believe in at the Endow America Network Foundation. We whole heartedly believe we are entering an era of human kindness and it starts with projects like Every Day Generosity, like House of Shine and like our own initiative that we call Social Secharity, which is a lesser known, but powerful tool for the Middle Class of America. We are dedicated to raising awareness about what it is and how it can help us get our nation out of debt while simultaneously endowing ourselves and our local communities with financial stability and freedom. Sound too good to be true? Well then I dare you to learn more by visiting and like us on Facebook @SocialSecharity. You can also watch shows like Route 664 and tune in to our brand new 664 Radio, where we dare you to find your own light and let it shine!

Social Secharity (Section 664) is a bold new way to move the country from 30 trillion in debt to economic well being through charitable wealth. Help resolve our country’s problems, improve your own future income and pay less tax! Best of all be a grateful benefactor to your community. 

Written by Ossman J. Darwiche 2021
