The mission of this website is to educate the public about using Section 664 and Social Secharity. Social Secharity is a registered trademark of the Endow America Network Foundation, a 501(c)(3) Non Profit Organization.

Let There Be Light!

Drew Formsma and Claudia Beeny on Route 664 This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine… It’s not just a song; it’s a message to the soul. On today’s edition of Route 664 The Road to Human Kindness we had the pleasure of interviewing two remarkable ambassadors...


Jay foster on Route 664 Hakuna matata! It means no worries! Homeostasis, homeo-what? It means balance; it is the natural habitable state of the human body in which an individual or organism feels most comfortable. You might be thinking, “How do I get me some of that?”...

Education for Humanity

Education for humanity Hey smarty pants! Yes, I’m talking to you America! because we all have moments of ignorance, we’re only human after all. But if you’re anything like me, you understand how education is really the answer to most, if not all, of the world’s...

Legacy of Giving

Daniel Nigito on Route 664 At Endow America Network Foundation we’re here to help you build a legacy of giving through the power of philanthropy, and on this week’s episode of Route 664 The Road to Human Kindness we had the pleasure of interviewing Daniel Nigito...

Safer Streets Now!

How America can make the long term short term… Patience is a virtue, but not for most Americans! We want problems to be solved now. Right? How many long term problems can you think of that are facing America and the entire world? Climate Change? The National Debt?...